The Oasis, Old Down
The Oasis, Old Down
The church here at Old Down has been operational since 1933 and was extended in 2005 and re-named as The Oasis Church in response to a clear call to maintain and further develop its Christian witness in the village. The church seeks to offer that 'oasis' in a busy and often turbulent world and is open to all who seek the sanctuary of peace and joy that the presence of God affords.
The church is currently around 25-30 strong and continues to seek God's guidance regarding the way forward. We currently meet on Sunday evenings at 6.30pm and also for prayer on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm.
Further details of our services are published regularly in the Community Magazine, Meeting Point. You can find the current issue here.
Rev'd C Neil Mobbs
Tel No: 07877215649
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.