Evangelical Churches, Aust & Littleton
Evangelical Churches
Severnside Evangelical Church, Aust
We are a fellowship of approximately 60 adults and children who believe that everyone has gifts which they can use to praise God in the ministry of the Church.
Our services focus on a time of prayer and worship, singing modern worship songs, and the preaching of God's Word. We encourage every Christian to strengthen the Church by using the gifts of the Holy Spirit and believe that God blesses those who "worship Him in Spirit and Truth." Our vision is to be God's light in our community and to pray for a witnessing fellowship in every village in Severnside.
We welcome anyone who would like to come along to join us at our services. You can find further information about them and other meetings in the Community Magazine, Meeting Point, and on our website.
Danny Bamfield Tel: 419324 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Severnside Evangelical Church, Littleton-upon-Severn
We also meet at Littleton on Sunday evenings at 6pm. If you would like to join us here, you would be very welcome.
Danny Bamfield Tel: 419324 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.